1592 Sofia, 10, Assen Yordanov Blvd.

+ 359 2 979 03 51


HERZ – Group is an expert in production and selling of machines, tools and accessories for plastic welding and heat treatment. The equipment has application in the following areas: building in systems for technologi­cal heating machines and line flow production; water, gas and technological pipelines building from thermoplastic materials; water insulations. HERZ is also producer from highly varied, high quality welding wire and filaments for 3D printing.

The firm offers her clients complex solutions, consultations, training and service.

Production design and construction are made in co-operation with:

DOHLE-Extrusionstechnik GmbH

BAK Thermoplastic Welding Technology AG

Official importer of:

I.T.S. by Tecnodue s.r.l

Janser GmbH

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