The innovative mark reading system based on artificial intelligence

Hoth AI Reader can be implemented in many productions

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in every economic segment. This also applies with full force to industrial machinery and technology. Proof of this is the high-tech product of the latest generation, which the CHROMS TECHNIQUES team will present to us at the MachTech&InnoTech 2023 exhibition.

Hoth AI Reader is iapable to recognize letters, numbers, symbols, special characters, matrix codes, etc. marked on very challenging surfaces (like rough metal cuts). Fast and reliable reading compatible with moving objects and independent of rotation angle, lighting conditions, reflections, surface irregularities and scratches, perspective, camera focus, marking quality, etc. Optional surface defects detection and high temperature sample surface reading (>1000’C).  Easy industrial integration.

“Hoth AI Reader is easy to integrate into a factory environment system,” share the experts. We will learn more about the system at the company stand from October 3 to 6 in hall 1, stand C6.