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Fasteners and their placement machines are among the highlights in Hall 3, Stand C3

Almost one month remains until the start of the industrial exhibition MachTech&InnoTech 2024. The 15th edition in an international format will not give you the opportunity to meet the specialists from Stil Laser Bulgaria company, from October 1 to 4, the most modern solutions in the fastener segment will be presented elements and machines for their placement.

Крепежните елементи и машините са жизненоважни за индустрията

In hall 3, stand C3 in Inter Expo Center, among the highlights of Stil Laser Bulgaria will be small and invisible fasteners, which are so necessary for large-scale production. Stil Laser Bulgaria presents its new partner – TSP Italy, an Italian company leader in the production of all types of fasteners – for pressing and welding. The company is present in the world of fasteners, offering a full range of welding screws, rivet nuts, pop rivets and all self-tightening systems.

In the framework of MachTech&InnoTech 2024, Stil Laser Bulgaria will present its new partner – TSP Italy. “The Italian company is a leader in the production of all types of fasteners – for pressing and welding,” Stil Laser Bulgaria shares. Technical partners from TSP Italy show the world of fasteners with a full range of welding screws, rivet nuts, pop rivets and all self-tightening systems.

The machines

The company stand will also present different machines. The P-618MSP – the automatic and pneumatic press for placing fasteners, with an automatic feeding system. The machine has a power of 54 kw and has an automatic feeder.

P-618MSP - автоматичната и пневматична преса

In parallel, the Stil Laser Bulgaria team will introduce the general public to a 3.2 mm pneumatic-hydraulic pop-rivet gun. up to 5.0 mm, ROP50. The device is of the latest generation machines.

Хидравличен пистолет за поп-нитове ROP50

Does your production need a pneumatic rivet nut gun? Maybe the nut for you is the TOP10SR Rivet Nut Gun. The device is a new generation manual pneumo-hydraulic gun for rivet nuts from M3 to M10.

TOP10SR Rivet Nut Gun