The international hybrid conference “Challenges to Industry Transformation” was held within the framework of the MachTech&InnoTech 2021 exhibition
What lies ahead for the industry? What are the innovative digital solutions to facilitate industrial processes? What do we need to know about robots before implementing them in our production? How does science and business connect in digital transformation? Answers to these and many more questions were given to attendees at the International Hybrid Conference “Challenges to Industry Transformation” on September 14. A total of 11 speakers presented their visions and shared their knowledge to both the online audience and those present in the hall.
The event was part of the large-scale accompanying program of the MachTech&InnoTech exhibition, which from September 14 to 17 brings together the metalworking, industrial technologies, software and automation sectors at the Inter Expo Center. The international forum is held in accordance with the requirements of the national health authorities, ensuring conditions for optimal health safety.
The hybrid conference was officially opened by Iva Gerasimova, deputy manager of exhibition activities Inter Expo Center, Boyko Takov, executive director of the Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (IANMSP) Boyko Takov and engineer Iliya Keleshev – chairman of the Bulgarian Chamber of Industry – Mechanical Engineering. The conference is jointly organized by Inter Expo Center, IANMSP and Bulgarian Chamber of Industry – Mechanical Engineering.
Present and the relationship between science and business
Quite logically, the event began with a look at the current situation. Eng. Iliya Keleshev gave the attendees the opportunity to gain a clear view of the companies from the mechanical engineering sub-sectors and outlined the ways to increase competitiveness.
This was followed by a direct online involvement of John Harkin, Senior Policy Advisor CEEMET – the European Employers’ Organization representing the interests of the metalworking, engineering and technology-based industries. CEEMET represents 220,000 European countries. The expert focused on digitization, safety and health in the work process. “Safety lies in the balance between regulation and innovation,” he said. John Harkin focused on psychological risks, technological solutions related to the protection of workers, including smart sensors, human-machine interaction, cobots and exoskeletons.
After John Harkin, Prof. Dr. Eng. Focusing on the relationship between science and business in digital transformation, he revealed how TU-Gabrovo interacts with local businesses. Prof. Zhelezarov revealed more about the newly opened Gabrovo Tech Park, which has 18 laboratories.
Digitization in action
New business models and new ways of thinking are tied to the digital approach, said Eng. Petar Katsarov, Motion Control Manager at Siemens Digital Industries. The specialist focused on digitization in action, illustrating it with examples from technological reality. Presenting the digital CNC system SINUMERIK ONE, he illustrates in detail the advantages of integrated complete solutions, opening new horizons for machine builders.
High technology creates unlimited possibilities. The audience was convinced of this after Georgi Bakhchevanov and Georgi Stoyanov from Soltech physically took the stage, and Michael Dick – from Siemens digital industries software – virtually. They shared experiences and concepts on the topic of digital solutions to speed up and facilitate everyday industrial processes.
The benefits of high technologies and their implementation were the focus of the participation of Eng. Nishan Bazdigyan – manager of “RAIS”. Visually, he developed his vision for the Digital Twins – the smart factory of “tomorrow”. Those present also noticed with interest the interesting thought in his presentation that the COVID-period can be a time for a leap in technology, for new developments of more complex multi-functional machines.
Benefits for production, trade optimization
Mariana Pecheyan conveyed her inspiration, energy, vision and expertise during the second panel. Managing VSK Centaur” and “VSK Centaur-IZ Dinamika”, she introduced the audience to the practical application of modern production process management systems. Mariana Pecheyan shared her rich experience of the benefits of implementing innovations in any technological process – both in terms of production , as well as for traceability.
After her, Adrian Bazavan from DG Trade stood on the podium. He presented the new portal Access2Markets, a one-stop shop developed by DG TRade at the European Commission. The platform enables optimized import and export of goods and services within the European Union.
Robots are now more than a reality; they are available
Yes, robots are already widely used in industry, for various operations. The process of their implementation was the focus of Svetoslav Vasilev, SIVIKO. “Robots are more and more accessible,” he is emphatic. According to the data presented by him, the investment in such a machine is repaid in 1.5 to 5 years, with an operational period of 15 years. In order to achieve production optimization, it is up to you to properly integrate the industrial robot, he is emphatic. “And that requires daily work with him,” added Svetoslav Vasilev.
The technological and informative accompanying program of MachTech&InnoTech 2021 continues during the remaining exhibition days. You can view it in detail at the link:
The doors of MachTech&InnoTech are open from September 14 to 17 for visitors as follows:
September 14 – 16: from 10.00 to 18.00
September 17: from 10.00 to 17.00